We have a unique solution to creating economic recovery by Boosting Business

Know-how needed for business success

Boosting Businesses

In our experience, misconceptions and incorrect assumptions about businesses, create a barrier to non-business people developing an understanding of the needs of businesses, and having empathy with their situation.

Starting a business is like learning to drive. Regardless of previous education and work/life experience everybody needs new know-how. The most efficient and effective way to gain know-how is through training.

Why businesses need a boost in know-how

The knowledge and skills required by businesses is widely underestimated. Most UK businesses have not had access to training, so they are self-taught. Our experience of working with several thousand businesses has shown us that even small gaps in know-how can cause big problems

Why support businesses?

Dynamic, diverse and robust businesses create job opportunities and contribute to local economic recovery. Coronavirus has damaged many businesses and financial support from the Government(s) has provided short-term relief.

The economic benefits of boosting business know-how

Boosting business know-how, is non-financial support that is cost effective and delivers longer-term benefits to the businesses and the local economy. Training is far more successful at achieving economic recovery than advice, mentoring and coaching.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.

It’s important to get the basics right. We approach business know-how from two angles – how to succeed and how to avoid pitfalls. Training is a game-changer and we have seen businesses transformed in just a few hours.

Our solution boosts business know-how and delivers economic recovery

Our cost-effective and unique online business support programme meets the needs of your local businesses

To find out more about our training, see our A to Z Business Know-how website at www.businesstrainsupport.com.

We are dedicated and passionately committed to successful economic recovery. You can use our experience and know-how at any stage or every stage. We can explode the myths about economic recovery and business support. We can assist with outreach and engagement activities.

We can contribute to online meetings with stakeholders and explain any aspect of the strategy. We have a unique online Business Boost solution that is cost-effective, very high quality and has a track record of phenomenal success. Amidst the economic turmoil, we can be your go-to guide.

You can use our services on-demand, monthly or throughout the programme. Together, we can transform your local economy.

To arrange video conferencing or to discuss your requirements, please telephone 07624 24 33 11 or email economic.recovery.uk@gmail.com