Why use our services?

Economic Recovery Strategy – Achieving a local Economic Miracle

Is our Economic Recovery Strategy the best in the UK?

Having seen £billions spent on well-meaning but ineffective strategies, we know ours is one of the most successful and probably the best.

We know what works, and why. We also know what doesn’t work, and why.

What we offer

Our consultancy, advice, experience and know-how will make all the difference.

We can help to customise the Economic Recovery Strategy to meet your local needs. We can provide consultancy and support to implement and deliver success.

You can rely on us to assist you with every aspect of successful economic recovery:

  • Participation in online meetings to assist your stakeholders to engage with the strategy
  • Developing and delivering an implementation plan
  • Outreach to individuals, businesses and communities
  • Online delivery of our cost-effective and unique business boost programme
  • Our professional services will make your local economic miracle a reality.

Cost-effective pricing

We have a flexible fee system to deliver maximum results and value for money.

Boosting Businesses

Our unique world-class online business support

Successfully boosting local businesses and creating new businesses, is the key to economic recovery. Our business support was developed and delivered specifically to achieve successful economic recovery.

Our complete solution is Covid-safe and cost effective.

The programme has a long pedigree of success.


Having worked with several thousand businesses, we have seen what they did brilliantly and incorporated that know-how into the training. We have also seen the pitfalls that caused businesses to struggle and fail; so we have included the know-how to help other businesses avoid making the same mistakes.

In our experience, even small gaps in know-how can cause big problems. Our training is comprehensive and takes participants on a step-by-step learning journey.

What we offer

The business boost course for self-taught businesses provides the know-how to comprehensively fill gaps and enable businesses to self-rescue, survive the recession and achieve sustainable growth.

The start-up course provides entrepreneurial thinking combined with commercial awareness and business know-how, which creates businesses that are investment ready and growth enabled.

We also offer Premium Support, which includes one-to-one online advice sessions

Cost-effective pricing

We offer bulk discount to organisations engaged in Economic Recovery activity purchasing our Business Boost and Business Start-up training.